"I think my height makes my boobs look even bigger," Tatiana Blair says. "If I were taller then maybe it wouldn't be as big of a deal. It makes shopping for clothes interesting too. I have to buy large tops to fit my boobs. And finding pants that are short enough for me is really hard. I just hate the feeling of wearing a bra, so I don't. I'm not going to make myself uncomfortable. But because I don't wear bras I do get a lot of attention for my boobs. So a lot of the time I'll wear a sweater to try to cover up a little bit." What about Tatiana's social life? "I'm single. I don't really want to deal with any guys telling me what I can and can't do. I'm having fun shooting hardcore scenes, and I don't want to have to stop doing that because of their issues with it. I'll date casually, but I don't want to get involved in anything too serious right now. I tell my friends that I consider my fans my boyfriends."