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Canadian Cunt

Category: Amateur Cumshot / Facial | Date: 7 October 2019

Canadian Cunt

Canadian Cunt

Are all Canucks as hot as you?
"For the most part! For such a cold place, we've got a lot of hot girls in Canada! My girlfriends are all so hot, too. I'm the least cutest one!"

We find that very hard to believe. You're a knockout! A girl as beautiful as you probably has a boyfriend, right?
"Thank you. And no, I don't have a boyfriend. I'm recently single and loving it. My last boyfriend was an immature jerk, and he did not satisfy me at all when it came to sex, or anything, really! Now that I'm single I'm dating new guys and having the best sex of my life."

What's the best sex you've had recently?
"I met up with this guy from the Internet and felt comfortable with him right away. We started having sex, and he was pulling my hair, biting me and lightly spanking me. He knew how to be rough without going overboard."

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