Boobmen demanded it! SCORE's special Boob Cruise '95 Issue (cover date March '96) has become a collector's item--yet only SIX photos from this set appeared in it! And it's now totally SOLD OUT. So we posted the COMPLETE pictorial of SaRenna right here. Is SaRenna at her most spectacular and sexy? Do you hear the sound of nutsacks swelling? You better fuggin' believe it! Thirteen models sailed with the '95 Cruise, and SaRenna, as you would expect, was one of its brightest stars. Said SaRenna, "Before the Cruise started, I was a little nervous. I thought, 'Oh gosh, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day? Do I have the stamina to do this? The reality is, I had the best time of my life." Check out this set, SaRenna lovers. You'll have the best time of your life, too.